Gransden and District Agricultural Society Grants
Through the use of our grant scheme pupils from Little Paxton Primary School were given the opportunity to experience six visits throughout the spring term of 2017 to Croxton Park Farm. The grant was given to fund the transport to and from the farm.
Here’s what the school said about their visit:
“It has been the most amazing experience. The children and the staff enjoyed it immensely. It was incredible because each week was so different. The children had the opportunity to feed the chickens, sheep and pigs. They learnt about the different breeds of cows and sheep, enjoyed helping to prepare the pens for the lambs and to feed them. They also got to experience a trailer ride, which was great fun!
The most amazing part of all was that we all got to see two lambs being born. It was incredible and something that none of us will forget.
The whole experience was made so much easier by the fact that we were able to jump into a mini bus and travel there. They all loved it.”
Little Paxton School Grant
Funded by the GDAS Charitable Grant Scheme

Carrying the water
Preparing the pens
Feeding the sheep
Feeding the chickens
Meeting “Tiny Tim”
Feeding “Tiny Tim”
Planting the seeds
Growing the vegetables
Photos above supplied by and reproduced here with the permission of Little Paxton School