About Us

Who We Are And What We Do

Ponies and Riders in 1957-58

The Gransden and District Agricultural Society's origin dates back to 1816 in the Great Gransden Farmers' Book Society, a reference and lending library for local farmers. It developed and changed over the years until by 1891 it had begun holding competitive classes for livestock and root crops, as well as competitions for ploughing, draining , stacking and thatching. Thus the foundations were laid for GDAS as we know it today. For more information about our history please see the History page.

Today our main function is to organise the GDAS Annual Show, but we also make charitable grants of up to £500 to assist in the furtherance of agriculture, science and research in connection with agriculture and rural industries, demonstrations, education/training, rural crafts, conservation and promotion of co-operation between rural and urban communities. See the Charitable Grant page for further details.

Our Annual Show takes place in the village of Great Gransden on the border of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire by kind permission of J B Brown and Sons. it's traditionally held on the last Saturday in September each year and remains one of a reducing number of country show still being held on a regular basis in the UK. This year will be the 116th such event and promises to be a fascinating, exciting and entertaining day out for the whole family. Hope to see you there!

The Show is supported by a wide range of Trade Stands, Refreshment Facilites, Children's Entertainments, and Special Attractions. At recent annual Shows we've had attractions such as Cookery, Country Crafts, Sheep Shearing, Farrier demonstrations, Gundog and Falconry displays, the Dog Show and the ever popular Vintage Vehicle Parade. It represents a great day out for all the family, so do please come and join in the fun.

Gransden Show offers exhibitors and competitors a wide range of classes to enter including Horses and Ponies; Rare, Native and Commercial Breeds of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Goats; Produce and Homefare; Pigeons; Poultry and many others. There are also special classes for children's entries. There should be something to suit everyone here.