Making It Happen - The Team

The Team Behind the GDAS Annual Show

Events such as the Gransden and District Agricultural Society’s Annual Show wouldn’t be possible without a huge amount of planning and organisational effort. This is achieved “behind the scenes” by a team of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly all year round to bring us the smooth running event we experience on Show day. Planning the Show is a long process. Indeed, planning for the next year’s Show often begins before the current year’s Show has taken place. The team is headed up by the GDAS Committee, whose job it is to ensure that the Show is planned down to the last detail. Below are some of the members of the Show committee.

Jeremy Adams


David Jarman

Vice President

Mike Capps

Honorary Director

Guy Kiddy


Jo Lenton

Vice Chairman

Charlotte Kane-Belcher

Event Manager

In addition to the Committee, of course, there’s an army of volunteers, too many to mention individually here, who help bring all those plans to fruition. Without their help the Show could not take place. They have our sincere thanks and all deserve a champion’s rosette!