2013 Photos
Photos and Video Clips from the 2013 Show
Still Photographs
See below for a selection of photos taken at the 2013 Show. As always there was so much going on it was difficult to decide what to photograph and virtually impossible for one person to cover everything. These photos illustrate just some of of the wide range of things for show visitors to see and do, ranging from experiencing farm livestock at close quarters through to the spectacular aerobatic display which formed the show’s finale.
All photos were taken by John Davison with the following exceptions: the picture of the dog show Best In Show award winner bullmastiff Bailey with owner Rhiannon Fisher, taken by Stuart Fisher; two photos showing a woodworker making flowers from wood shavings and the flowers he produces, taken by Karen Stoner; and three photos of the vintage tractor parade taken by Jane Cartier. All are published here with the copyright owners’ permission. Copyright belongs to the respective photographers.
To see photos from other years Shows please select the year you wish to see from the Photo Archive drop down menu at the top of this page.
To see a larger view of any picture just click on it. This will also start an automatic slideshow of all the pictures in this gallery. You can use the manual slideshow controls to pause the slideshow or to move forward or backward through the sequence of photographs.
Please note: there are several pages of photos in each yearly collection. Use the blue arrows or page numbers above the first photo on each page to navigate through the pages.
Copyright photos
See above for copyright holders