GDAS Charitable Grant Scheme

Grants For Young People


This year Gransden Show will have available limited funds to make grants to assist in the furtherance of agriculture, science and research in connection with agriculture and rural industries, demonstrations, education/training, rural crafts, conservation and promotion of co-operation between rural and urban communities.

The criteria for the grants are for individuals aged 16-26 years of age and to be a resident within a distance of 15 miles from Great Gransden church. For further details on the objects and criteria, please see the full Grant Application Details below or contact the Gransden Show Event Manager on 01480-731878, or email her at

Examples of recent grants made to local schools and others for farming related projects can be found on the following pages:


The Gransden and District Agricultural Society has limited funds available to make grants to assist in the furtherance of any of the following:

  1. The improvement of livestock, the advancement of breeding and the prevention and eradication of animal diseases.
  2. The development and improvement of crops and prevention and eradication of plant diseases and pests.
  3. The development and improvement of agricultural machinery and equipment.
  4. The funding of agricultural education and training.
  5. The encouragement of rural crafts and industries of interest to the farming community.
  6. The promotion of co-operation between farmers and other land users with special reference to conservation.
  7. The promotion of co-operation between rural and urban communities.

Application for grants to assist projects that further any of the above should be made in writing to Charlotte Kane-Belcher, Event Manager, Gransden and District Agricultural Society, 20 Whiston Way, St Neots, Cambs. PE19 6AU.


  • For young individuals aged 16 – 26 years of age.
  • To be a resident within a distance of a 15 mile radius from Great Gransden church.
  • Matched funding of up to £500. The Society will give support to the applicant to raise their share of funding by offering free trade space on show day for the applicants suitable initiative.
  • Gransden Show will initially receive a presentation, in writing, to the above address, (no more than 500 words proposing their project requirements and the total amount needed).
  • Applicants to include full name, date of birth, full postal address, email and contact telephone number.
  • All applicants will be notified whether they are successful or otherwise.
  • A shortlist will be interviewed by a small panel of Society members.
  • The successful applicant/s will be required to produce a short report (300-600 words, plus one or two photographs} after the grant has been implemented.
  • The final decision will be made by the Gransden Show Committee.