2015 Photos and Videos
Photos and Video Clips from the 2015 Show

Video Clips
This year we have collected together a selection of video clips and photographs taken at the Show and edited them together into a single video to illustrate some of the attractions on display to visitors. A popular feature of recent Shows has been a musical duo, known as Sounds of Riverboat Days, who stroll amongst the crowds serenading them with appropriate songs. One of their songs has been used as the basis for the video below, which hopefully demonstrates that visitors have “A Wonderful Day” out at Gransden Show.
NB - All photos and video clips on this page
Copyright Gillian Hopwood and John Davison 2015
Still Photographs
Below are a selection of photos taken at the 2015 Show. These show the President’s speech and champion livestock prizegiving, plus some of the livestock taking part. More photos and video clips will be added shortly as they become available.
To see photos from other years Shows please select the year you wish to see from the Photo Archive drop down menu at the top of this page.
To see a larger view of any picture just click on it. This will also start an automatic slideshow of all the pictures in this gallery. You can us the manual slideshow controls to pause the slideshow or to move forward or backward through the sequence of photographs.
Please note: there are several pages of photos in each yearly collection. Use the blue arrows or page numbers above the first photo on each page to navigate through the pages.
NB - All photos on this page
Copyright Gillian Hopwood and John Davison 2015